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January 18/19

Universal Field House - Martinez, CA


Futsal Playdate Information

Aim of Futsal Playdates

The aim of the NorCal Futsal Playdates is to provide NorCal Member Clubs and Teams the opportunity to compete in Futsal Events in a cost-effective environment. NorCal will provide U9-15 teams with 3 Futsal games in 1-day at various sites across Northern California. Every effort will be made to accommodate scheduling requests and ensure that teams play opponents outside of their region and similar playing level.

While scores will be posted, the emphasis should remain on learning and advancing both the player and the team with the game of Futsal (with some players/teams experiencing Futsal for the first time).

Parents and coaches are encouraged to be supportive of their players, respectful to their opponents and game officials, and show the highest level of sportsmanship throughout the day. NorCal will enforce a ‘zero tolerance’ policy for unsportsmanlike behavior at these events. Do we believe teams should want to win? Yes always! However, the development of the individual player and team should always come first and foremost in the eyes of the coaches and parents, especially at this age.

Timeline/ Locations

The NorCal Futsal Playdates will take place at different sites across Northern California, with the aim of bringing a futsal event to each region in NorCal. Sites will be announced as they are confirmed in the upcoming weeks and months. If your club is interested in hosting a Futsal Playdate event, please fill out the Futsal Playdate Hosting Application.