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Women’s Committee

The NorCal Premier Soccer Women’s Committee is committed to leading the charge in improving and promoting all aspects of Girl’s and Women’s Soccer in Northern California.  Our Mission is to increase and retain the number of women in leadership positions within the NorCal Premier Soccer Community. Our Vision includes providing increased resources, mentorship, networking, support, education and professional development for aspiring women in all capacities of the game of soccer, as well as for all other coaches working directly with female soccer players within the NorCal Premier Soccer Community.

For more information or to be considered to be part of the committee contact

Women’s Scholarship initiative

NorCal is pleased to announce a Women’s Scholarship initiative to support local female coaches working to advance their education through added licensing and diplomas.

Applicants can use this form to apply for following courses.

Any future USSF or United Soccer Coaches (formerly NSCAA) course which earns a license or diploma

Awarded Applicants will be expected to give back volunteer hours to NorCal, not to exceed 10 hours and based upon financial award. This could include: PDP Coaching, assisting at the NorCal Summer Symposium, NorCal State Cups, playdates or other NorCal coaching courses.

The Women’s Scholarship application process is open. Partial scholarships of up to 50% of the course fees will be awarded upon successful completion of course (based upon available funds in March-February fiscal year). Recipient’s funds will be earmarked until successful completion of course specified.

To Apply Click Here

NorCal Mentorship Program

Launching in January of 2018, the NorCal Women’s Committee will offer a year-long education and mentorship opportunity for select female coaches in Northern California. The aim of the NorCal Women’s Coaching Mentor Program is to develop and support female coaches while fostering growth at a crucial point in their vocation. Ultimately, this will enhance the game and keep girls and women involved in coaching, while also providing more opportunities for advancement.
To Apply Click Here