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Coaching Education


NorCal and US Club Soccer Host first joint “C” License Course

Last month at the Davis Legacy Soccer Complex, 22 NorCal coaches completed their USSF “C” License course to take the next step in their development to improve the level of the game locally.

The four-month course involved 90 hours of total instruction time, two in person field sessions, and a variety of assignments designed to develop the coaching abilities of each of the participants.

This most recent coaching education opportunity was part of a joint effort between U.S. Soccer, US Club Soccer, and NorCal Premier Soccer to host more licensing opportunities.

“Hosting the C License is another big step for NorCal Premier in our efforts to further coach education in Northern California,” said NorCal Director of Membership Nick Lusson.  “It’s our goal to help create the most educated community of coaches in the country.”

US Soccer’s Santo Rivas and Austin Daniels served as instructors for the two dozen coaches, two highly-experienced mentors who also work at NorCal member clubs in Placer United and Ballistic United respectively.

“The biggest milestone for this course was to bring coaches together both virtually and in person during this particularly challenging year and see their continued drive to learn,” said US Club Soccer’s Ashley Lehr, who also participated in the course. “We also achieved our internal goal of having about one-third of the participants as female coaches, resulting in one of the highest female participation rates in the course’s history.”

Added Lusson: “We’re proud of the progress of our NorCal Premier Women’s Committee and the work they’ve done to advocate for female coaching, which was reflected in this course and the record number of female candidates.”

This, however, is just the beginning. Another “C” course is already underway in Northern California and one more is planned this year. The goal for all involved is to offer more of these top-level classes.

“We look forward to continuing to work with US Soccer and NorCal to provide opportunities for coaches to advance their knowledge and coaching abilities,” Lehr said.

NorCal and US Club Soccer Host first joint “C” License Course

Last month at the Davis Legacy Soccer Complex, 22 NorCal coaches completed their USSF “C” License course to take the next step in their development to improve the level of the game locally.

The four-month course involved 90 hours of total instruction time, two in person field sessions, and a variety of assignments designed to develop the coaching abilities of each of the participants.

This most recent coaching education opportunity was part of a joint effort between U.S. Soccer, US Club Soccer, and NorCal Premier Soccer to host more licensing opportunities.

“Hosting the C License is another big step for NorCal Premier in our efforts to further coach education in Northern California,” said NorCal Director of Membership Nick Lusson.  “It’s our goal to help create the most educated community of coaches in the country.”

US Soccer’s Santo Rivas and Austin Daniels served as instructors for the two dozen coaches, two highly-experienced mentors who also work at NorCal member clubs in Placer United and Ballistic United respectively.

“The biggest milestone for this course was to bring coaches together both virtually and in person during this particularly challenging year and see their continued drive to learn,” said US Club Soccer’s Ashley Lehr, who also participated in the course. “We also achieved our internal goal of having about one-third of the participants as female coaches, resulting in one of the highest female participation rates in the course’s history.”

Added Lusson: “We’re proud of the progress of our NorCal Premier Women’s Committee and the work they’ve done to advocate for female coaching, which was reflected in this course and the record number of female candidates.”

This, however, is just the beginning. Another “C” course is already underway in Northern California and one more is planned this year. The goal for all involved is to offer more of these top-level classes.

“We look forward to continuing to work with US Soccer and NorCal to provide opportunities for coaches to advance their knowledge and coaching abilities,” Lehr said.